Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Synod Board of Elders Election 2017

Sunday, September 10 shall be the election of Synod Board of Elders members.  The guidelines are as follows:

Regulations of Synod Board of Elders Membership

  1. The president is a bishop of one of the presbyteries. Elected by a majority of the clergy of all fellowship churches in the synod (50%+1).
  2. The secretary must be a deacon of a fellowship church and is appointed by the president and approved by a majority (50%+1) members of the board.
  3. The treasurer must be a pastor of a fellowship church and is nominated in open meeting by a clerical board member and is approved by a second and third member. An audit of the books of the synod must be conducted by the Board of Elders June and December each year.
  4. Clerical members include the bishops of the presbyteries and three pastors of one fellowship church in each of the presbyteries. The pastors are nominated by the presbytery elders of their respective presbytery and approved by the bishop of the presbytery and approved by the President of the Synod.
  5. Lay presbyters are nominated by the presbytery elders of their respective presbytery and approved by the bishop of the presbytery and approved by the President of the Synod.
  6. The Board of Elders shall meet each March, September, and December at a location approved by a simple majority of members.
  7. The term of non-bishop members shall be for three years. With the election held no later than September 15 of the end term year and instilled in positions no later than October 1 of the same year.
  8. Non-bishop members may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  9. Presbytery bishops are nominated by the clergy members who must be a pastor of a fellowship church in the respective presbytery, elected by a simple majority of pastors of fellowship churches in the presbytery. Bishops serve until they retire or are declared medically unfit by three medical doctors and approved by the President of the Synod. Retired bishops are permitted to pastor a fellowship church in any presbytery approved by the receiving church elder board and the bishop of the presbytery.
Please submit your pastoral and lay member nominations to your pastor by 3PM, Sunday, September 10.  Pastors shall then email them to the Synod by no later than 3:30PM.

Thank you.

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